How Many Watts Should My Electric Guitar Amp Be?
It doesn't matter if you're starting to learn guitar or if you've been playing for a while — wattage for guitar amps can be a little bit confusing. If you play the electric guitar, you rely on an amplifier to get the full power out of your guitar. Since wattage is an essential part of an amp, you should understand what it means and how it affects your music.
Read on to learn more about how to find an amp with the right number of watts to help you get the sound you want.
Number of Watts Vary by Amp
Wattage is related to power, which is not the same as volume. An amp's wattage will establish its headroom, which determines the volume when the amplifier starts distorting the guitar's sound. So, the number of watts an amplifier has will tell you how loud your amp can get before the sound starts breaking up.
An amp with a low wattage is around 5 to 10 watts, and they can get up to 100 or even 200 watts. When you're figuring out how many watts you want in an amplifier, you need to think about how you'll use it.
Consider How You'll Use Your Amp
As a musician, no matter your skill level, you'll be doing three main things with your guitar: practicing, recording or performing.
If you're just starting out, a lower-watt amp should suffice. When you're building up your skills and your confidence in your playing, you don't need a lot of power. But, if you're a professional musician and play a lot of big gigs, you may need an amp with more power — and more watts.
When you're in the studio, you may not need an amplifier with a lot of watts. The mics in the studio are strategically placed to pick up your sound, so your music isn't competing with other noises.
If you're an aspiring musician, you probably need to own a few different amps. With varying capabilities of power, certain wattages are more appropriate for some situations.
More Watts Doesn't Necessarily Mean More Volume
Although wattage is related to volume, it's not the only factor.
The number of watts in an amplifier determines power, which isn't the same as volume. Some guitarists think that when they double the watts, they're also doubling their volume. But, that's not true.
Wattage and volume are related exponentially, rather than equally. To get double the volume, you'd have to multiply the wattage by 10. So, there isn't a big difference in volume between an amp with 18 watts and an amp with 36 watts.
Find Your New Electric Guitar Amplifier at Bananas at Large®
When you're looking for a new amplifier for your electric guitar, be sure to take wattage into account. At Bananas at Large®, we have a wide selection of Boss electric guitar and amplifiers and a knowledgeable, helpful staff. We can help you find the perfect amp that bests suits your unique needs as a musician.